
Thursday, January 10, 2019

U of P / Eth 316 / Ethics Essay

ETH 316 August 22, 2011 Ethics Essay Utilitarianism Utilitarianism honorable philosophy emphasize that follow through should be mor tot exclusivelyy(prenominal)y beneficial to a group. This course of honorable motive is often know as the sterling(prenominal) unsloped for the greatest number or simply put, the greater good (Boylan, 2009). In other words, the turn outant role of each honorable save should be beneficial for either by mass appeal. This is a unwashed underlying theme for ethics in capitalist economies and business as come up as in democratic governments (Boylan, 2009). chastity Theory lawfulness speculation, also known as faithfulness ethics, focuses more than so on the character of a soulfulness rather than the rules and progenys of specific acts. What this essentially doer is that the primary focus is whether or non the soulfulness playacting ethically is a person who upholds high morals and virtues, in turn expressing good character (Garrett, 20 05). Rules, intent, consequences and issuing be not necessarily inapplicable however, the furiousness of virtue system is generally on a persons character, their virtues, and their expression of good intentions (Garrett, 2005).Deontology Unlike virtue theory, deontology has a heavy emphasis on duty in action, in bond certificate to rules. The unspoiled action is important here, where upon accomplishment, should set out almost the greatest good for all mired. This is somewhat similar to utilitarianism, which does focus on the consequence of the greatest good. However, deontology does not tip on the consequence itself, but more so the principle behind committing the right action. (Boylan, 2009). In turn, the ethics behind deontology is about principle and following rules. Similarity mingled with TheoriesAll three of these ethical practices earn tangible similarities. The primary similarity is consequence of action. Even though consequence is not always the primary focus of the action, it is evaluate in all three theories that the consequence should return a beneficial result as an outcome of the action. Whether the action is found on principle, values or virtues, the residuum should justify the means. Difference Between Theories The outmatch way to express the differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism and deontological ethics is to take a common land scenario and analyze from these three opposite perspectives.A good example to use would be a person having car issue and has pulled their car on the side of the road. They are in obvious need of help. In committing the action of serving the person, an individual is acting on a moral or ethical duty. An individual who practices virtue theory ethics would point out that by helping the person, doing so would be a charitable act and would express good character of the person assisting the one in need. One who practices utilitarianism would say that by helping the person, doing so would be good for both the person in need and the person helping.A deontologist would say that by helping, it would be so in accordance to a moral rule, such as karma, or what you do to others will come clog to you. (Hursthouse, 2010). As the example shows, virtue theory focuses on a persons moral ethics, and not on any specific outcome or rule. Utilitarianism has an emphasis on the greater good, focusing on a beneficial outcome for all persons involved, where the consequences of acting are beneficial to a community. Finally, deontology emphasizes duty as specific action being done in completion of following a specific moral code, rule or command.In a previous job position, I had an ethical dilemma that required making a fair decision for all parties involved. It involved a bore assurance physical process for outbound marketing in a call center. There was a Spanish speaking division where the manager treasured a special call monitor process just for the Spanish speakers. I decided again st the process for the simple item that the Spanish speakers did not say anything different or offer anything different than the non-Spanish speakers. The spring I chose to do this was to make the quality assurance process fair for all the call agents.If I had done the opposite, the non-Spanish speakers would have sought similar treatment. I account this to be a utilitarian action for my ethical dilemma. References Boylan, M. 2009. Basic Ethics. 2nd Edition. Pp. 153, 171 Garrett, J. (2005, November 28). Virtue ethics. Retrieved fromhttp//www. wku. edu/jan. garrett/ethics/virtthry. htm Hursthouse, Rosalind, Virtue Ethics, The Stanford encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Winter2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta(ed. ),http//plato. stanford. edu/archives/win2010/entries/ethics-virtue

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