
Monday, June 3, 2019

IMC Planning Model Analysis

IMC Planning Model AnalysisInvolves the process of planning, executing, evaluating exacting the use of our various promotional mix elements to effectively communicate with targeted audience, it tins framework for captureing, implementing and controlling our institutions IMC program.Review of grocery storeing plan before assembleing our harvest we put in our minds that it leave behind not be easy to compete with big name in tea industry such(prenominal) as Lipton for example there for we understood that we must come up with well-nigh thing in the altogether, something different in-order to be unique, special and to attract our needed customers and play it wisely with the worlds numeral one Lipton.. therefore we had to understand our market bunk where we are (Now) and where it tips to go (Future) and how it will tend to go there, some detailed abuses had to take place such asA detailed situation analysisInternal marketing visit and review approach is one of the lead ing companies in the market it is structured in a carriage to integrate all its departments (gross revenue, marketing, CCSD, supply and demand) activities to r individually a way to be profitable and to be the market leaders by owning the largest market share.External analysis of the market competition and environmental factor come on Egypt main stigmas are Maggie, Nescafe, Nido, and cerlak. Each brand has its own competitors and by introducing Nestea (Elite tea), our main competitors are Lipton, Ahmed tea, Dilmah. Each one of the competitors is serving a large target share and the opportunity is to serve more specific segments (concentrated market) although Lipton is moving towards to be more customers specific.Specific marketing objectivesGoal From the heavens of earth, we provide our consumers with the finest picks of tea leaves for a gallant tasteVision To be ranked the best type tea in the marketTime frame for marketing activitiesJan-MarApr-JunJul-sepAug-DecT.V adsMagazine Billboard frequenter LeagueMechanisms for measuring our performance Surveys and telephone QuestionerSlogan Blend of quality and tastetea leafMarketing system/ProgramTargeted audience/marketsNESTLEs center of assist are People as a whole despite demographic, psychographics and geographic. The main aim of the firm is PEOPLE. This can be seen from their media and hoardings. Even on the packing figure of speech you can see the FAMILY, which tensenesses all the age groups. new-icon-customer-carePlans for the 4psPlace nestle divides the market or customers into two, modern trade (MT) and traditional trade (TT), according to Nes-tea (elite tea) we will focus more on the modern trade according the high pricePrice the price will be higher than the other tea brands callable to the higher qualityPromotion promotions will be specifytled upon giving sophisticated gifts to place and maintain the image of a high quality brand. harvest-tide the product is characterized by the best tea taste. The product display box will be expressing the high quality of the tea and people.Program to implement the strategyAdvertising ResearchA subset of marketing research, announce research is the systematic gathering and analysis of information to help develop or evaluate advertising strategies, ads and commercials and media campaigns.Following are the types of the advertising research target-market-400300Quantitative ResearchQualitative ResearchAdvertisers use quantitative research to measure market situation in hard number.3 basic systems to collect quantitative data are mkt managerObservationExperimentSurveyNestle use this research method to get the results close to their advertisement research.Qualitative research seeks in depth, open ended responses, not yes or no answers to get people to share their thoughts and feelings. This research is plight more often to give advertisers a general impression of the market, the customer, or the product. The methods utilize in qualitati ve research are usually exposit as Projective TechniquesNestle do both type of research. They do ongoing research whole year and on the basis of the results they make their decision for the future.marketresearch work out of monitoring and evaluating performanceControlAt the end of every month there is a meeting for evaluation of results and to act on the provender posterior. The performance if not +, leads toward change in strategiesFeed-backThe effectiveness of a communication is assessed when the source receives a response. The response can be in m all forms. Hopefully, the response or feedback is moot and desirable. The feedback can be a tangible product of the communication and can lend itself to easy evaluation.For e.g. we like to buy Elite tea for its high quality or it is the best taste in the market.Why its important in our perspectiveIt is very important to evaluate our progress to know if there is any broken link in our process to solve as soon as possible to maintain our success and to attain our goal effectively.For us this step is an Integral part of the marketing strategy2. Promotional program situation analysisAfter reviewing the overall marketing the next step in how to develop a promotional plan by conducting the situation analysis. This situation analysis mainly focuses on the development of the promotional strategy. Inside the promotional program situation analysis it includes two types the internal analysis and the outside(a) analysis. (Advertising and Promotion, 2009 p.29)Internal analysisAssesses related areas involving the product, service offering. (Advertising and Promotion, 2009P. 29). There is more than one thing that is related to Product. The promotional mix it contains the sales promotions, advertising, and personal selling.The sales promotion it is direct to consumer and distributor channel members. Inside the sales promotion there is something called consumer sales promotions techniques. These techniques are used by the con sumer to influence him towards leveraging. Those techniques are as well used by nestle for the Elite-Tea.The loyal reward program is done for targeting consumer who purchases this product for more than one. It allows him to collect points and at the end they concede these points and in return get a reward. For example If consumer buys two-packs of Elite-Tea, then he/she will have a cup for free. The price of each pack is a deal between the consumer and the company, so the pack of the tea will be increasing by 25%. For example Eli -Tea since the company has lead astrayed to launch the product inside the market, so they decided to put inside each pack 25% more tea bags. Nestle was doing something new about this new product they were doing something called online-coupons and these are coupons posted online on nestle web-site. In case of logging-on to the site and looking for the new products, coupons could easily get printed by consumers while being seated in his/her place.In other cases like entering a hypermarket consumers could also get have coupons from the sales person standing. Also at the analogous time consumers will get a free pack of Elite-tea for sampling and testing.Advertising Nestle is doing one of the most successful campaigns. The way of communication thats convinces or motivates the viewer of the advertisement to purchase the product after watching it. Also Nestle tried to focus more on the direct response of the advertisement.It is also one of the things that lead any campaign to be a successful one. In Elite-Tea advertisement Nestle company is trying to mention or show how this product efficiently contains sesss of benefits. In addition to this it is clear in the advertisement, which market segment is being targeted by the company (Middle-Class Upper-Class)StrengthsBetter Taste higher(prenominal) QualityComfortable PriceMore Tea Bags inside the packGood brand name and image that have a reputation mystify Competitive Advantage. (Unique i n the price, Product design, Product Packaging)WeaknessSegmented only For the Middle class and The Upper ClassThere are a lot of competitors.External Analysis It focuses on specific factors such as, characteristics of the firm consumers, market segment, positioning strategies, and competitors. Nestle is always caring about the external analysis. For consumers Nestle cares about which type of consumers are buying the product through surveys and questionnaires. Like who buys our products and services?The answer is the middle and the upper class that will be able to purchase this product. What does the consumer buy? What needs must be satisfied? Normally the consumer is buying the benefits of the product and that will satisfy his needs and wants. Then after they understand how the consumer thinks they start to segment the market by dividing it based on the similarities among groups of people.Nestle is segmenting the market, based on demographic variables such as the age (Teenagers-elde rs). Also by sex, it could be used by both genders. It might be considered as if its for psychographic segments because it depends on the lifestyle. I think big a percentage of consumers life style is to jollify tea.CompetitorsWho are our direct competitors?LiptonAhmad TeaWho are Our Indirect competitors?Al-Jawhara TeaEl Arosa Tea.More Market Share.Better known in the market.What Key Benefits are used by our competitors?The price much lowerThere reputation in the marketKnown By the distributeselit tea without boarders529px-NestlAnalysis of the communication process (How our product can effectively communicate with consumer in its target market)Communication goals We want our customers to have a positive perception towards the tea which we produce, increase likability, and be the number one in the market.Communication objective are reports of what various aspects of the IMC plan will run. (Advertising and Promotion, 2009 211).In order to reach the communication goals, objectives sh ould be met. Improve brand awareness, brand quality.Marketing objective are generally stated in the firms marketing plan and are statements of what is to be accomplished by the overall marketing program within a given time period. (Advertising and Promotion, 2009 210).Our purpose of the marketing objective is toIncrease market share.Increase sales.Be the number 1 in the market.Communication ProcessSource Is the person or business that has information to share with another person or group of people. (Advertising and promotion, 2009 146).Nestle is the source.Encoding Involves set thoughts, ideas, or information into a symbolic form. (Advertising and promotion, 2009 148).Eli tea which Nestle provides it leads to a long healthy life because itGives refreshing and full energetic feeling.Nestle tea contains chemical which is called polyphenols, which gives tea antioxidant properties that protects against cancer diseases.Message The encoding process leads to development of a message that contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey.(Advertising and promotion, 2009148)We want to provide best quality and best tasteChannel Is the method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to the receiver. (Advertising and promotion, 2009149).Consists of two bringPersonal channels Are direct interpersonal (face-to-face) contacts with target individuals or groups. (Advertising and promotion, 2009149).In big supermarkets such as Carrefour, spinneys and etc. there are booths standing inside them sales people who offer free tea samples and if the consumer likes the taste they could purchase.Non personal channels Are those that carry a message without interpersonal contact between sender and receiver. (Advertising and promotion, 2009cl).Nestle Eli tea commercial on a prime time show.Receiver Is the persons with whom the sender shares thoughts or information. (Advertising and promotion, 2009152).Consumers are the receivers the message should be simp le so that they can decode it.Our audiences are the clients whom are looking for a blend of taste and royalty at any age.Decoding Is the process of transforming the senders message back into thought. (Advertising and promotion, 2009152).The receiver should be able to decode the message, the decoding here is theFreshEnergeticNatural beautySmiley faceNoise The unplanned distortion or interference is known as noise.In case of advertising on T.V or radio we should be considering the signal, on bill board we should be considering craft and weather. (Advertising and promotion, 2009152)Response / FeedbackResponse The receivers set of reactions after, seeing, hearing, or reading the message is known as response.Feed back The part of the receivers response that is communicated back into the sender.The response and feed back of the consumer is that they feel healthy when they drink Eli Tea.tea leaftea leaftea leaftea leaftea leafelit tea without boarders529px-Nestl4. Budget Determination Aft er determining the communication objectives, our attention now focuses on the promotional budget. In an ideal world, the amount needed to spend on our promotion should be determined by what must be done to accomplish the communication objective. However, promotional budgets are sometimes determined using a more simplistic approach, ex how much money is available or a percentage in our companys sales revenue. At this stage, the budget is often uncertain. It may not be finalized until specific promotional mix strategies are developed ( spew Belch 2009)Nestle in terms of financial analysis it focuses on how much amount it uses on its activities in the industrial sector and it also reflects how efficiently the organization is utilizing its resources. A new budget is formulated every year, each time a new product is introduced, or when either internal or external factors necessitate a change to maintain competiveness. Essentially, in our product we focus on two primary budgeting decisio ns establishing a budget amount and allocating the budget.Many firms employ more than one method, and even budgeting approaches vary according to the size and sophistication of the firm. Here in Nestle and specifically our new product Nestle elect we use the Top-Down Approaches/or Budgeting instead of using contribution margin and/or marginal analysis approaches.Here the budgetary amount is determined usually at senior manager level and then the duties are agreed down to the different departments.Top management sets the spending limitPromotion budgets set to stay within spending limitHowever, Top-down methods include the affordable method, arbitrary allocation, percentage of sales, competitive parity and return on investment (ROI), withal according to our new product and its position in its product life cycle (PLC) it is still in the introduction level it cannot fit in some of these approaches like Percentage of sales and/or the ROI.Affordable method the organization agrees on the amount to be used up in different areas such as production and operations. Then it distributes whats left to advertising and promotion, taking into account this to be the total it can afford. And this we think that its the best way or safest way to launch our product.Adding to that, at the same time we could check our Competitive parity were Nestls executives establish funds amount by linking the competitions percentage of sales expenditures.lipton_logoQ We learn ourselves two questions in this stageWhat will be the promotional program cost?Incentive Discounts ramadanRamadan offersBuy 3 and get 1 free alleviate samplesMarket shareOverall company market share in the Egyptian market is 80%.Budgeting j0229385Electronic Media15-tea-bag-setCost of TV Ad efflorescence Time 6-11 pm al7ayatChannels Al-Hayat, El-Mehwar, Ch.2 (EGY)Cost in Prime Time L.E 75,000/min elm7wrCost in Off-peak time L.E 27,000 30,000/minCost of Billboard size 2700 sq. ftSkin L.E 57,000Rent for 1 month in (X) Area 600,000 1,000,000Cost of Hanging HoardingsSize 5ft x 2 ftCost 150/boardingRent L.E 1,350/weekCost of PostersPaper weight 135 gramSize 18 inch x 23 inch sum of money 3000 LE. 4.15/posterEstimated Marketing and Promotional program expenditure L.E 3 Million* Additional sponsors facebook_logoFace bookWorlds GymFM 5ICCAUHVPF3CA8P67L6CAFROY90CA2LVWPECAHDMJ1ECAGPOIILCANB87TGCATSQJDICA0TZB81CAAS5S9FCAB2ZLOZCAPVENOECA0JPL1HCARCO1NACAFIOCX3CAQA1XAQCAAO6DY4CAU92F52Magazines (Teen stuff, Fatafeat) Estimated numbers by Nestle Elite TeaHow will the money be allocated?money_signOnce the budget has been appropriated, the next step is to allocate it. The allocation decision involves determining which markets, products, and promotional elements will receive which amounts of the funds appropriated.Market size While the budget should be allocated according to the specific promotional tools needed to accomplish the stated objectives, the size of the market will affect the decision.Small MarketsOften e asier and less expensive to reach the target market.Large MarketsThe target group maybe more dispersed and indeed more expensive to reach.Market potentialMarket share goalsOrganizational characteristics the organization structure, power and politics in the organization hierarchy, characteristics of the decision maker, approval and dialog channels.Loans a serious amount of money (probably large) taken by the company from banks as to accomplish a specific task and then repay it with a certain amount of commission.Sponsorship All of the sponsors of our product, they try and help our product to penetrate the market.Investment/Revenue We would rely on the arbitrary allocation or ROI approach.

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